Moving To South Carolina – Fun Facts
When you move to South Carolina, you will be moving to the state that produces more peaches than Georgia. But nobody gives them credit for that.
South Carolina is the only state that has a monkey colony. Morgan Island, aka Monkey Island, is an uninhabited island that is home to the only free-ranging colony of rhesus macaque monkeys in the United States. There are around 3,500 monkeys on the island.
And on John’s Island there is a tree that is thought to be the oldest living thing east of the Mississippi River. It’s believed to be 500 years old.
As a transplant to South Carolina, you will be settling in a state of “firsts.” The first symphony orchestra in America was sponsored by the Saint Cecilia Society of Charleston. Charleston was also home to the first public college, the first museum, and the first playhouse in the United States. South Carolina was also the first southern state to secede from the union.
Funny Laws in south Carolina:
(1) It is an offense to get a tattoo.
(2) Horses may not be kept in bathtubs.
(3) Railroad companies may be held liable for scaring horses.
(4) When approaching a 4-way or blind intersection in a non-horse vehicle you must stop 100ft from said intersection and discharge a firearm into the air to warn horse traffic.
(5) Nothing must be sold on Sundays except light bulbs.