Moving To Minnesota – Fun Facts
So, you love the water and have picked the state of Minnesota to move to. Smart choice because Minnesota has so many lakes and rivers that it is called the Land of 10,000 Lakes. But it really has a lot more than that – 11,842 lakes and 69,200 miles of rivers and streams. It is located on the shore of the biggest of the Great Lakes – Lake Superior, and it is where the great Mississippi begins. Its name means “cloudy water or “sky-tinted water.
Rochester, Minnesota is home to the Mayo Clinic, which is world famous for its expert doctors and new medical discoveries.
Minneapolis has the world’s longest skyway system. The Metrodome in Minneapolis is the only stadium in the country to host a World Series, a Super Bowl, and an NCAA Final Four Basketball Championship.
The Twin Cities are home to many Fortune 500 companies, including Best Buy, General Mills, Target, and Land ‘o Lakes. The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota is the largest mall in the United States. It’s 9.5 million square feet—the size of 78 football fields and is big enough to hold 32 Boeing 747 airplanes.
The first modern armored cars were built in Minnesota.
Minnesota produces more turkeys each year than there are people in California.
Some Funny Minnesota Laws are:
(1) A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.
(2) All bathtubs must have feet.
(3) It is illegal to sleep naked.
(4) Red cars cannot drive down Lake Street in Minneapolis.
(5) It’s illegal to paint a sparrow with the intent of selling it as a parakeet (Harper Woods).