Moving To Kentucky – Fun Facts
When moving to Kentucky, you will not be moving to a state. You will be moving to a commonwealth.
Kentucky is one of the four commonwealths in the US. It is bordered by seven states: Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, and Illinois.
Horses are the leading source of farm income for Kentucky farmers. Kentucky is home to some of the world’s leading thoroughbred farms and thoroughbred auctions. Most transplanted citizens of Kentucky enjoy seeing a horse auction, at least once. It is known as the horse capital of the world.
Here are some little-known facts that are fun for newly settled Kentuckians to know: The song “Happy Birthday to You” was penned by two Louisville sisters.
The very first American public performance of a Beethoven symphony was in Kentucky. Kentucky is the original Land of Lincoln, Kentucky is the state where both Abraham Lincoln, President of the Union, and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, were born.
When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Kentucky was torn apart by conflicting loyalties. Officially a neutral state, brother often fought against brother on the battlefield because Kentucky supplied approximately 100,000 troops to the North and 40,000 troops to the South.
Here are Kentucky’s Funny Laws.:
(1) You must stop your car before you hunt.
(2) It is illegal to have sex on a parked motorcycle in London, Kentucky.
(3) A woman cannot buy a hat without her husband’s permission in Owensboro, Kentucky.
(4) All Kentucky citizens are required to shower at least once per year.
(5) Bikini-clad ladies need police protection.